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Interview With Brian Rhea On His New Single "As You Were" Benefiting Operation Home Front

Music Update Central: What was the specific inspiration for this single? 

Brian Rhea: While I did co-write the song and am the artist performing it Ive got to give credit to my brother John Rhea. The concept, hook and message of this song was his idea nd brain child. He is a big advocate for our military in particular vets and this was his way of giving back to that community. He got the idea after watching a documentary that highlighted the immense difficulties veterans face coming back from service, specifically combat vets. One of the last things a soldier here’s after being discharged from their service is, “As you were”. Thus the song. 

MUC: Why did you choose operation homefront/what is its significance to you?

BR:They are a huge advocate and champion of military families helping them re-assimilate and thrive in the communities they served and protected. We felt Operation Homefront was the right fit for the message and mission of this song. Coming from a military family myself I understood the difficulties getting back into civilian life and felt this was a win win for everyone involved.

MUC: How did you meet Kevin Maxwell and found your friendship?

BR: Kevin and I met through a mutual artist friend who suggested I come play at his venue. Kevin and I hit it off immediately sharing a love for music and community involvement. Kevin is a fantastic friend, business partner and philanthropist. 

MUC: What is the biggest message you want listeners to walk away with? 

BR: Hope. The goal of this song was to hit the feels hard to get folks aware of the serious issue of PTSD and depression among our veteran community and provoke action to bettering their experience.


Listen to "As You Were" here

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