#Womencrush: Larysa Jaye

We're back creating a movement with our #Womencrush series. Larysa Jaye is gearing up for the release of her EP "Love Me Down" and handling her family life away from her musical career like a boss. Jaye discusses expectations with upcoming EP, Nashville, and ice cream.
Thank you for chatting with Music Update Central! You're gearing up for the release of your EP "Love Me Down" on September 30th. What can fans expect? Well the 29th is the actual date for what I'm calling the "soft" release of my first official release! There will be physical copies available at my performance that night, and everyone else will have to wait until October for it to be available everywhere. So over the years my music direction has really been all over the place. It's been a road of discovery for me. I love performing all types of music, but when it comes to who is Larysa Jaye as an artist I really had to sit down and learn who I am. This Love Me Down project is a step in the right direction. It pulls from all of my creative sides, but still embraces my soulful, sultry side blended with my friendly guitar strums that my listeners have grown accustomed to. I'm really excited for the release.
What made you relocate from Kansas City to Nashville to pursue a musical career? My family actually moved out here when I was still in school and I just never left. I call Nashville, my home away from home.
Throughout many influences, who influenced you the most? Man.. this is always the questions I dread the most. I listen to SO MANY different kinds of music. To say "the most" is a touch call. Growing up there was no secular music allowed in our home. Not old school or anything. So growing up I listened to Carman, who I think had the greatest influence. He did every style of music, very creative with his videos, and everything seemed to be natural. He was soooo cool... I got saved 10 times. I would go up for the salvation call every, single concert just trying to meet him. But every time I'd go up to the front we would be taken stage left and he would go stage right. haha!! It never worked out. Still trying to meet him to this day!!
But other artists would be Helen Baylor, Fred Hammond, Danny Chambers and other artists like that. I had some wild cards like a Christian rock artist named Miss Angie and my brother would sneak and let us listen to Snoop. Soooo... quite a variety!!
With your upcoming EP, what is a track that means the most to you? I will have to say Captured. It actually takes me back to my roots and Christian upbringing. This song just poured out of me one evening after I heard a sermon and at the end the pastor, actually Pastor Danny Chambers of Oasis here in Nashville, kept saying, "He wants to capture your attention. He wants to capture YOUR attention..." and it really stuck out to me. As an artist, there's a lot of self indulgence... listen to MY song, here's what I created, look at MY new promo pics... just a lot of me, me me. And this really brings everything back to reality and keeps me balanced.
MUC Random Question: What's your favorite Ice Cream? Ha!!! Well... I'm going to have to go with Cold Stone - Strawberry Banana Rendezvous with milk chocolate chips instead of white chocolate.
Where can our readers follow you at? They can always start with my website LarysaJaye.com and of course all the social media outlets Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. I try to keep up with Snapchat, but me and my kids mainly just play with the filters.. lol... but I do post there sometimes.... but anyway everything is LarysaJaye.