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#Womencrush: Laura Rice

Laura Rice is sweeping everybody with the kickass, girl power vibe you receive while listening to her music. Laura talks about her recent release "Just One Night", inspirations behind the song, and fan moments.

What inspired you to sing this song and who were the writers? This song was written by the amazing Dave Quirk and David Hill. Dave Quirk and I go way back and he was actually a co-writer on my first single "Back Seat Of Your Heart" From the first time that I heard this song I knew I'd love to perform it. It was fun and different and it ending up being so much fun to record.

What was it like working with Simon Reid on this track? He is starting to make a name for himself in Nashville as a great producer. Simon was awesome! He's got quite the ear for music and knew just want the song needed. It was so nice to just relax and let the music happen.

If you could have just one night to do anything, what would it be? I know it sounds totally cliche' but I'd love to spend one night with a few of my music idols...singing, making music, hearing their stories and getting their advice. I am just so incredibly blessed to be able to live this life.

Who are some of your musical influences? Oh geeze...I'm such a child of the 80's and 90's country music movement. My biggest influences were Reba, Martina McBride, Shania Twain, Pam many. Now more recently I have become a HUGE fan of Jennifer Nettles.

Favorite Fan moment? I've always believed that the love of music starts a young age. I have a particular little fan who just happens to be my biggest fan (other than my children). Her name is Trinity and when she's able to come out and see me she just lights up. It's the moment when I see her singing with me that makes all of this worthwhile.

When can we expect your EP to drop? I hope to be getting back out to Nashville in the next couple of months to finish recording it. It should be out soon after that!


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