Redhead Express Showcases Harmonizing Vocals with Iowa State Fair Performance
Palmer, Alaska sisters, Kendrea, LeRae, Alisa, and Meghan of Redhead Express showcased harmonizing vocals with the kick-off of their performance at the Iowa State Fair on Monday night!

(Redhead Express/Facebook)
"We are siblings and we got started up in Alaska. We started with the piano then it just expanded from there. We left in 2007, to perform in states that music an essential thing. We got a job in Branson for a few years." Kendra tells our team.
What genre is Redhead Express? Every band is asked the same question, meant to define them, categorize them, to place them in a small box, neatly beside other similar musicians. Certainly their early study of mountain music along with their acoustic instruments suggests an American Folk influence. However, Kendra's vocal influences are quite varied, reaching into Jazz, Blues, Rock, Pop and both early and modern Country Music. Some refer to Redhead Express as Folk-Rock or Folk-Pop while others like the Alternative Country label. However, it seems that no matter what they sing, it is uniquely their own. (source)
As I caught their opening performance on Monday, I was instantly stunned by the amount of vocal talent that was presented. The sister group performed on August 12th and August 13th. In their free time, the took the time to venture across the fair grounds to view the thrills that the Iowa State Fair has to offer.
You can learn more about Redhead Express by visiting