Sleep Nation shows us how to keep rocking through break-ups with "Red Guitar"

The hot rock duo Sleep Nation has done it again, releasing another head-banging jam, this time about a relationship gone wrong, titled, “Red Guitar.” Reviving the classic rock sound, Sleep Nation sings about grudges that can’t let go, and regrets they wish they could undo. Breakups are hard on their own, but if everything reminds you of them it gets even worse. You try to forget “again, again, and again” but just can’t.
Drummer Joey Lauretta starts with a simple, yet addictive, beat to bring in the rest of the instruments and an engaging vocal performance from Bran Merritt. The energy of the backing track paired with the vocals relate well to the message of the song. There are ups and downs in the rhythm and tempo that mirror the ups and downs in the relationship.
“Red Guitar” is not just a catchy tune, but like many Sleep Nation songs, it is rich with lyrical complexity. When Merritt sings “your siren song” he implies that the lover tricked him into being blinded by his feelings and not being able to see the truth. The red guitar that Bran sings about, “matched the color of your lips that smeared my name with/Every breath you took,” making it impossible to forget her.
Along with the single, Sleep Nation released an enticing music video. Set at a high-school dance, the duo delivers an engaging performance, making viewers wish they could dance at homecoming just one more time. I found myself nodding along with the crowd and singing the chorus, “I keep on waiting/You keep on taking again.” Sleep Nation knocked it out of the park again with this release, and I can’t wait to see what they do next!
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