Sammy Sadler is Back in the Saddle With a New Single

Despite what people say, the music industry can be just as dangerous as a thrilling action movie featuring mobsters and good guys trying to do the right thing. Sammy Sadler and his friend Kevin Hughes went out for dinner and began walking along Music Row, on 16th Avenue, when they were suddenly gunned down. While his friend sadly passed away, Sadler was able to survive his life-threatening injury and he still carries the bullet today. Rumors of his involvement swirled, but underneath all the accusations was a man with a dream to make it as a country artist.
His most recent song “If I can get up and keep singing, I want everyone who has survived something traumatic like I have to know that IF they have survived, they still have a purpose…a God-purpose, and a bullet ain’t stoppin’ them either” and “I never wanted to live in the past, but I will certainly let my past be an encouragement to others who have fought back from something difficult if that helps them keep fighting.” With his passion to drive him, he wrote a song focused on trusting and caring for another person. The lyrics focus on needing only the other person with lyrics such as “If we’re in each other’s arms,/everything will be alright.” It all resonates with the idea that one person can make life just a little bit better. The song also has a general message of perseverance, as Sadler sings of overcoming any hardship that might befall the couple.