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Q&A With Holiday State On Their Upcoming Release “Where I Wanna Be”

Music Update Central had the pleasure of interviewing Holiday State on their next release. The band shared many thoughts on the upcoming single, inspiration, and life as a musician in 2020...


Music Update Central: What was the inspiration for this song?

Holiday State: We originally wrote “Where I Wanna Be” because we wanted to write a song that was a little different than what we had done in the past. It was inspired by some real life experiences and memories we’ve had throughout our lives. When the pandemic hit, We realized the lyrics...”Anywhere next to you is where I wanna be...” took on a whole new meaning. We think everyone in the world can relate to how crucial it is to be around those you love.How important social interaction is for all of us has become all too apparent, as well as the feeling that it doesn’t matter where you are, but as long as you’re together, everything will work out. Being reminded of the importance of being next to those we love is probably the only good thing that has come out of the Pandemic. It’s been the ultimate reminder not to take things for granted.

MUC: What was the producing process like throughout the pandemic?

HS: We wrote and recorded “Where I Wanna Be” prior to Covid, so luckily we already had this one in our back pocket. In regards to how we’ve had to produce music from the beginning of quarantine to now has been less than ideal, but we’ve been rolling with the punches. We traded full on writing sessions and studio time for “kitchen counter sessions” and “T.V. time” haha! We’ve also been on a lot of zoom calls and definitely had our moments of feeling creatively drained with everything thats been going on, but we did do a lot of solid writing, and we’re proud of what we’ve come up with. We were recording rough demos to very simplified instrumentals that we created ourselves, and once we had the right melody and lyrics, we sent the rough tracks off to our producers who came back with nice full on produced records ready for vocals. It’s obviously been hard to get into the studio with the panic that was taking over the world, and we’d never want to put anyone at risk, so we’ve held off on recording until November 2020.

MUC: What do you hope listeners get from this single?

HS: From this single, we really hope whoever listens, will get a little escape from reality, and maybe a little reminder to be more present. This song really is about how it doesn’t matter where you are in the world, but more so who you are with, and that happiness is a state of mind, the place doesn’t make the people, the people make the place. We’re firm believers that life is about moments, and living in the now, the simple things.

MUC: Any exciting news about future projects?

HS: most people, we’re pretty excited for 2020 to be over. We’re hopeful and excited to get back out on the road and start performing again. It’s something we’ve missed so much!! We’re heading to Nashville soon to record some new music, take some meetings, and just enjoy the city. It’ll feel good to see some familiar faces out there. We’re feeling really pumped about that trip, and just looking forward to the new year with fresh eyes and open minds, ready to take on whatever comes next.

This year has been pretty surreal, and we’re hoping for some normalcy and getting back on stage and being able to engage with our fans in person, not just virtually, will bring that. Heres to 2021.


Pre-Save "Where I Wanna Be" here


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