Five Fun Facts About Indie-Rock Artist Joshua Red Uttech
Music Update Central is thrilled to introduce you to up-and-coming indie-rock artist Joshua Red Uttech and his new EP “A Little Bit of Change”. The EP draws on elements of the classic acoustic sound that Uttech brings with every song, while also implementing hints of harder rock and even pop. And with every song, Joshua brings us back to his roots with sounds reminiscent of Chris Cornell and Willie Nelson. Here at Music Update Central we had the chance to learn more about Josh Red Uttech. You can check out the full interview below.
“A Little Bit of Change '' EP is now available for digital streaming & download. Click here to listen.
What is one thing that most people would be surprised to know about you?
I want to build my own home, live in the country, and hopefully be a Dad someday.
What is your favorite song off this EP?
I think it is "Your Face." I just love the twangy blues solo I wrote, and I love singing it. It feels really good and natural.
Why do you love martial arts and what do you think it does for your writing process?
Martial arts is a great outlet for stress. It is also great for building self confidence and my strength conditioning. I think it helps me stay grounded and keeps my body strong, so when I come back to my art I am clear and my body is ready for writing and performance.
How long did it take to finish the full EP?
We started recording in December of 2020, and finished all the editing and masters in August of 2021. So about 9 months or so.
Is it hard for you to put yourself out there and be vulnerable in your music since you write a lot about your feelings and experiences?
A little bit I guess. Over time it has gotten easier, as my self confidence has risen and as I've gotten older. You start to trust who you are and not worry so much about what other people think of you, and just know you are doing what you're supposed to be doing. My gift to give is music, and I just happen to write personal songs. It is also kind of liberating and therapeutic to let out your emotions and know that you're resonating with people who have been through similar experiences.
Learn more about Joshua Red Uttech here: