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Interview: Shaniah Paige Reflects on Release of 'Last Year' + Upcoming Projects

Heart Song Records recording artist Shaniah Paige is creating a buzz with the release of her EP 'Last Year', which reflects her accomplishments and experiences over the past year. #Womencrush featured artist, Shaniah Paige chats her release, her single 'Mysterious Boy', and college memories!

Thank you for chatting with Music Update Central! You just release your EP ‘Last Year’. When listening to the EP, what can fans expect? They should expect to relate! I wrote this EP on my life experiences and so many of my friends along the way would tell me that they appreciated “Mysterious Boy” because they had a mysterious boy, they appreciated “The Jokes On Me” because they have been in that position. I really want people to relate to my lyrics and especially young girls, I want then to know they are not alone.

Throughout the EP, you feature many songs. Which one is your favorite and means the most to you? I don’t really have a favorite because my EP is my journey from my first relationship which lasted four years to the end and my new beginning. That’s why it’s called “Last Year”. It also represents the growth of myself as an artist. I work really hard and it is showing with each new song from the writing to my delivery.

What advice would you give other females in the music industry? Just be yourself. Write a lot and write from your heart. Get as many co-writes as you can so you can learn from others. Really important, promote yourself through the social media with class because it is important to know that younger girls are looking up to you.

When did you know that you wanted to be a musician? In 7th grade I did my first show, I played Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz and I got the bug so to speak.

MUC Random Question: What’s your favorite college memory? I love my sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma!!!

Where can our readers follow you at? You can find me at all of my socials are on there!

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