Review: Jada Vance 'There's Always Me'

Jada Vance offers a glimpse at a simpler kind of love, a love that is predicated upon looking past the things in life that we don’t have and one that is more focused on the things that we do. She tells the story of a woman that is so dedicated to the love of her life that no matter what she will always be right there waiting.
This spunky Tennessee powerhouse packs a wallop with her Tanya Tucker like vocals and Tammy Wynette Stand By Your Man lyrical prowess. Both vocally and lyrically this song could not be any more appealing to its listener. With lyrics strung together like some of the world’s finest pearls this is not your typical song of an unrequited love, as much as it is one of hope and faith. This type of love has really become a commodity.
Helping to bring this track full circle, and nothing short of a masterpiece is the production. There is such a beautiful assortment of varying instrumental elements each one complimenting the other. Personally, I found the soft subtleness of the piano to be a beautiful expression of the adoration that people often times find in one another.
There’s Always Me is such an alluring song that is quick to touch the heart of even the most ardent of traditional country music fanatic. The former American Idol contestant is quickly on her way, and will no doubt join the ranks of other legendary female country musicians one day. Don’t forget to add all of Jada Vance’s music to your playlists, but especially add There’s Always Me.