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Interview: Getting the Scoop w/ International Singer/Songwriter, Marta

Singer/Songwriter Marta is sweeping the music scene with her upcoming release of 'I Need a Love Story'. Marta chats about the inspiration behind the single, salads, and upcoming projects.

Thank you for chatting with Music Update Central! Your debut single 'All About Us' is amazing. Can you tell us the inspiration behind the song? I had this melody stuck in my head for a couple of days and could not forget it, so I started writing "All About Us" and when I tried to put it into words, I had this image of an all consuming, drive around with the top down, summer kind of love and that's what inspired me to write "All About Us”.

What advice would you give other females in the music industry? My advice would be to always keep going. Continue to educate yourself and grow as a person. It's important to know your worth and believe in yourself and your music. There's going to be a lot of people telling you "no" but please don't let that stop you from working hard to make your dreams come true because they really do, at least to some extent.

What does the rest of this year old for you as an artist? I'm releasing my second single, "I Need a Love Story" on February 14th and the song will be featured in the Valentine's Day level in a critically acclaimed music app called Dancing Line (Download it- It’s addicting!)

MUC Random Question: What's your all-time favorite food? Salads because you can put anything on them, even fried chicken and pasta and still call it a salad!

Where can our readers follow you at? They can follow me on Instagram @martaolejarzmusic as well as other forms of social media! Check out my music video and visit my website at

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