She's So California: Review - David Cone

Georgia was always on David Cones mind. This Atlanta based singer-songwriter recently held his album release party, to a sold-out crowd at the famed night club Eddie’s Attic a spot that has become credited with helping launch the careers of emerging artists.
She’s So California offers a funky, cool sound that is really fun to listen to. Cone hits a home run with this up tempo quirky offering and will surely tickle the taste buds of fans of the SOCAL sound of other bands similar to that of Sublime. Instrumentally, the track tends to walk a line of something between pop and ska, and it works out quite well for Cones’ lyrical style. The lyrics help to tie everything together and while listening I began to have thoughts of being on a warm SOCAL beach on a quest to find my very own girl that was So California.
The title track Welcome Home tells the story of a weary traveler making his way back home. The canvas is quickly painted by Cones’ imaginative lyrics. As a listener, I was able to imagine an exhausted Cone looking out the window as the train he is on speeds along and writing a song to his loved one that will be waiting to welcome him home. Vocally Cone is reminiscent of a younger 1973 Tom Waits and it’s that natural rasp that quickly grabs the listener and draws them in for more. Instrumentally Cone seemed to have taken a less is more approach for Welcome Home which really plays well with his style on this track. Clean, crisp acoustic guitar opens the song leading into soft, subtle percussion with sprinklings of shakers both of which can be heard throughout the song. Soft percussion, shakers, and acoustic guitar seems to have been the holy trinity on this track.
Of all of the songs that I was fortunate enough to have listened to I chose the title track Welcome Home because it really stood out the most to me. It was its crisp, refreshing instrumental’s combined with Cones’ perfected and skillfully written lyrics and vocal prowess that really drew me in. I have since added this album to my playlist, and so should you…..