Young-Age Country: American Hope
American Hope discusses finding their voice in their musical career at such a young age, writing styles, and favorite movies.
Thank you for chatting with Music Update Central! Why did you choose a musical career at such a young age? Our parents took us to a gospel concert when we were 6, 5, and 4. We loved it so much that we asked them the next day if we could quit gymnastics lessons and take voice lessons! They thought we were crazy! But they let us and we loved singing so much! We added instrument lessons a couple years later and have just kept going from there! We love singing and playing together!
Do you guys write your original songs? If so, where do you get your inspirations? Yes! We all write. Jameson writes the most -he has written about 40 or more songs! But we all love to write songs. We just like to write about life, about people, about America-how great it is to be an American, etc. Of course we all like to write about being in love or out of love -whichever it is that day! LOL! Just whatever is on our hearts, basically.
Besides music, what other hobbies do you have? We love playing airsoft, being outdoors, hiking. Kenyon loves to crochet! He is so great at it! We all love swimming and have been on a local swim team. Jameson loves running and lifting weights.
MUC Random Question: Favorite movie?
Kenyon-"The Force Awakens"
Jadyn- "Civil War"
Jameson- "World War Z"
Where can our readers follow you at? We would love for them to follow us on Facebook, on our website, twitter @theamericanhope, instagram - americanhopeband