#FridayFlash: Meet Robin April
Born in Tenessee, Robin was raised on country music with pop influences such as Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus. She taught herself guitar at the young age of 14 and gained a strong following on youtube for her music. Robin has been involved in multiple contests around town including the Katie Couric Show and Nashville's Nash Next. Robin April is definitely an artist to keep your eye on.

Keep up with Robin's journey here:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robinaprilmusic/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RobinAprilMusic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/robinapril.music/
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/robinaprilmusic
Are you "The Trusting Kind"?
Robin April gets painfully deep in her new single "The Trusting Kind" about heartbreak and recovery. It's a country sound with a slight hint of pop that results in a genuine sound with honest lyrics. She starts off her new single in the most relatable way possible, " I knew a boy who told me all the right things". It's a song that girls who have experienced a similar kind of pain can relate to. This song is different than most heartbreak songs because it approaches it from a different angle. "The Trusting Kind" is about what happens after the heartbreak. It's about the healing process and the difficulty that comes with trying to trust and love again. You can use tape and glue to patch up a broken heart, but sometimes the scars won't fully heal. I think I speak for most females out there when I say, we need more songs like this that expose the real truths of heartbreak from a different perspective. Instead of trying to glamorize heartbreak, it shines the light on the ugly truth.
Keep on keepin' on Robin April!
Check out the song here on Spotify and here on iTunes!