Introducing Country Band: Jericho Woods
Rising Country Band, Jericho Woods is creating a following with their recent release of their summertime self-titled EP. Jericho Woods discuss the inspiration behind the recent EP, relation/formation of the band, and inspiring co-writes.
You released your new self-titled EP. What's the story behind the EP?
P: We feel like it's a step forward in our writing and sound. We've got some more goodies up our sleeve for our fans SOON!
J: We really just sent a long list of songs to our producer Skidd Mills, and these were the ones that came out of that. We felt like they were very representative of where we were at that moment.
You guys are both cousins, what made you want to form Jericho Woods?
P: Josh and I were the "mutual admiration society" for years. We always wanted to play together, and it finally happened at the right time in our lives.
J: Jericho Woods was an opportunity for me to play with some folks I had always wanted to play with. Jory (fiddle) and Kyle (guitar) were both students when I started teaching high school!
Where did you guys come up with the name Jericho Woods?
P: I think Josh ate too much ice cream before bed one night and dreamed it.
J: Jericho comes from Joshua and the Battle of Jericho, and Woods just seemed like a good way to represent our rural upbringing. We wanted it to represent a kind of Marlboro Man persona! Lol
What's the inspiration behind your single "Better Now"?
P: I'll let Josh answer that one. I only wrote one line!
J: This song came after we had moved away from regular day jobs and devoted our careers to music full time. Really, it was just how we felt...Better!
Who's your dream co-writer?
P: Oh wow....I really love a guy named Matthew Caws. He's in a band called Nada Surf, and they can't write a bad song! It's a tie really...I'd really love to write with David Lee Murphy too. I have so much respect for him, and I've been a fan since I was a teenager.
J: I'd love to write a song with Dave Grohl! I know I play country music, but the Foo Fighters are my favorite band!
Instagram @jerichowoodsband
Twitter @jerichowoods