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Everybody Meet Cowboy Diplomacy

Everybody meet Cowboy Diplomacy. We chatted with them about their latest single "Follow Me", forming them as a band, and so much more! You can check out our conversation with the talented group below.

Can you tell our listeners about your latest single "Follow Me"? Ian Cochran (lead vocals, guitar): I wrote "Follow Me" about a year ago. It's about my dad, Joe Cochran. We like to call him "Cowboy Joe." He is my idol, hero, best friend and someone I strive to be like every day. The "Follow Me" chorus is like my father telling me to follow in his footsteps. If I can be half the man he was at my age, I'm going to be alright in this lifetime. How and when did Cowboy Diplomacy become a band? Ian: About a year and a half ago Brad Bentley (bass) and I made it to Austin, Texas from California with one mission on our mind. FIND A BAND. We'd been valeting for a couple months at South Congress Hotel, and one night Brad heard a dude drumming across the street by Allen's Boots. He ran over and checked this guy out, came back and said, "You have to see this drummer." We both strolled over after work and watched this guy drumming away. Enter Mr. Matt Leslie to the band. One month later Brad and I were busking along South Congress on a busy Saturday night. Right outside Guero's to be exact. We were playing for about an hour and this slick rick looking character came up to Brad and was like, "'re so good at bass." Enter lead guitarist Zac Walden to the band. He tried to steal Brad for his own project but we weren't having any of that. Shortly after we all started jamming together and have been a band ever since. We've been playing gigs and residencies every single week for a year and 4 months now.

If you could share the stage with anyone right now, who would it be?

Ian - Red Hot Chili Peppers

Brad - Red Hot Chili Peppers

Zac - Kanye West

Matt - Pearl Jam

What does the rest of 2017 look for you guys? Our game plan as of right now is to continue releasing singles. We'd like to have four or five released by the end of the year, but ultimately we'd like to get to a place where we can go on tour for a month or two.

What's your biggest achievement as a band? Being nominated as a 2017 Black Fret artist. Black Fret is an Austin-based nonprofit that provides grants and mentoring to a select number of musicians each year. We're honored to be one of twenty bands nominated this year.

What is your favorite song you recorded? We've recorded a number of songs but only just released our debut single "Follow Me" at the beginning of this year. We're getting into the studio next week to work on two new songs, one of which will be our next single. But we're most proud of the "Follow Me" music video, which was made possible thanks to all our awesome friends and fans who offered their time, venues, etc to help us put it all together.

Finally, can you provide us with links to check you out at?

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